I wanted to pass along that the SU! ENVELOPE PUNCH BOARD is running low and will go on back order soon. We do anticipate getting more in shortly, but they are wildly popular. Order yours soon so you can start making gorgeous envelopes and gorgeous projects. Have you seen the books and gifts made with the envelope maker?

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, and we are working to ensure that we can fulfill your orders as quickly as possible. We will keep you posted as we learn the exact dates of availability.

Supply of Envelope Punch Boards Running Low
We've had an overwhelmingly positive response to the new Envelope Punch Board--so much so that that you have nearly sold through our supply weeks sooner than we anticipated! We have already taken steps to restock our inventory, but the new supply will not arrive in the Distribution Center until mid-October. We anticipate that the Envelope Punch Boards will be placed on backorder in the next few days.We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, and we are working to ensure that we can fulfill your orders as quickly as possible. We will keep you posted as we learn the exact dates of availability.

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