Millie made a very special Chinese New Year cake that was delicious. Rita really loved it and so did everyone else!
Dale is selecting her piece. There was more than enough for everyone! The event was over at GBMC because the road leading up to Hsiao-hui's house was icy. We'll plan a spring event at Hsiao-hui's when the weather is really nice.
I wish everyone could have tasted all of the Chinese delicacies. They were so good. Everyone brought a little something but Hsiao-hui did most of it. Her dumplings and egg rolls were out of this world! Perfect foods to celebrate the New Year!
The other great things about the evening - other than the food and the stamping - was the great story Hsaio-hui told us of how the Chinese Zodiac came about and how this year is the year of the rabbit. It was a wonderful and entertaining story.
Sandi and Linda listen intently to the story while we have Millie's dessert!
As you saw in the previous post, we made a card for the Chinese New Year with the theme for the new year being the rabbit. Hsiao-hui told us that next year is the year of the dragon. Ok. we have some time to think about what kind of a card will be good for that one.
We had even more laughs come our way as we went on to hear more of the story and to just laugh as only girlfriends can do!
Pat Nuckels got up just before we started stamping to make a presentation to each of the demonstrators. She gave us each a Chinese New Year card and some stickers so we can do a scrapbook page of the evening. I love how Pat dressed so appropriately for the event.
Pat announced that every year we should do a Chinese New Year party and we all agreed!
Look at how pretty Sandi looks. She had on a very appropriate outfit for the celebration as well. Sandi said she had a most wonderful time.
Next we broke into groups of 4 and went to do what we love most after we spend time with friends and that is to stamp and craft. Look at the big smile on Linda Murphy's face!
Cathy Weir is our brand new SU! demonstrator. She is going to give it a try. Cathy works so hard and is such a kind and giving soul. I thank God everyday for her and the wonderful friends I have that attend these SU! events. Cathy didn't demonstrate this go round, but she has done so in the past and she does a great job. If you live in or around Street Maryland, she would be great as your demonstrator.
Pat made some beautiful cards. Pat is a Scrapbooker most of the time, but...she crafts really well and makes really nice cards, too!
Clair and Natalie are shown above working on Hsiao-hui's lovely card that you saw in the post below.
Linda is demonstrating how her card is made to Millie.
Cathy and Sandi are showing the lovely card that Linda Kincaid demonstrated. Linda is very talented. She demonstrated a wonderful Valentine's day card that used the Love Letter dsp and the bitty buttons and some texture using the Big Shot.
We had some fun at the close of the event taking some fun photos. Some of the gals had already packed up, but some of us stayed a little behind and so we got in the photos. Above from left to right are Linda Murphy, Rita Gorrick, and Dale Trott.
And in this photo from left to right are Sandi Haertig, Me, Pat Nuckels and Linda Kincaid.
And here is my great team of demonstrators minus just a few out of town. From left to right we have Cathy Weir (brand new demo), Hsiao-hui Lin, Me, Sandi Haertig, and Linda Kincaid. This is an awesome group of women!
Tomorrow I'll post the cards that Linda and I demonstrated. You saw Linda's above. I did one with brand new Saleabration papers, ribbon, buttons, dsp and stamps!

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