I just wanted to share some more NYC highlight photos. These were taken by Amanda
Hindle. Shown above are
hui Lin and Debbie
Coomes in Chinatown. They bought these adorable hats for $4 each. What a bargain.

We went to the wax museum and some of us had our photo taken with the

Above is my sister Christina
Deyo. She is Martha's television producer. She does an amazing job. She got all of us the tickets.

View of NYC and I think you can see
hui with her pink hat the bottom center of photo.

I'm in the foreground above looking like a typical tourist in NYC. We were in Chinatown for this photo.

Amanda in the audience at the Martha show.

The above photo is the church outside our window at the hotel. It was snowy and slushy the day we arrived. NYC is better equipped to handle snow than we are here. It was a funny site to see 9 women lugging suitcases from Penn Station to the hotel. We didn't get a photo of that because we were cold and just wanted to get the suitcases to the hotel.

Debbie is enjoying her
Starbucks. We all loved the hot chocolates, teas, and coffees there.

I'm waving from outside the Martha show. We lined up around 8 am and were let into the audience around 8:30. We had special priority seating and grouping so we were the second group to get our seats. So nice to have a connection to the show. We also got some great gifts while we were there.

The above photo is just before we left on the bus. We took the
Megabus from White Marsh. It was a really smooth and quick ride. I highly recommend the bus as a way to get to NYC.
Hopefully more photos in the next week. These were just some scattered highlights that Amanda sent me. Love them!
LUCKY you---oh, to get to see Martha!!do you need another sister??