So it's my birthday today and guess what? Today is also Doctor's Day. What a coincidence?
How am I celebrating? I should be sleeping in, but instead, I'm going to get up bright and early. I'm exercising first thing. If it's nice out - I'll do a run. If not, I'll either head to the gym or treat myself to a fast paced treadmill. Next, I'm going to head to the hospital because we receive a celebratory breakfast and
STARBUCKS. Can't get better than that. I actually don't mind working on my birthday for this very reason! After work, it's dinner out with the family. Don't know the place yet, but I may share it in another digital page next week.
Today is going to be a
CELEBRATE LIFE birthday! I'm so happy to be alive and to share so many wonderful adventures with so many friends and family and I'm truly grateful.
Ever since I had a near miss in the air
(a plane I was on last month had to return to BWI after smoke midair was noted in the cabin just as we hit the cruising altitude), my dear friend and coworker Olena told me we have to take the opportunities to
celebrate life! I'm with you on that one Olena. So in thanksgiving for a wonderful life thus far and for great family and friends and all the blessings God has given me, I'm taking today to reflect on so much and
Here's a
SU! MDS digital page I just created showcasing some photos from my birthday last year in 2014. I was on the
REMARKABLY HOT RETREAT (this year it's in April). I was with good friends.
Pictured in the photos - Top Left - Hsiao hui Lin and I; Top Right Diana Eichfeld and I
Middle Left - Cindy Geskey and I; Middle Right - Lisa Chatterjee and I
Bottom Left - Jennifer, Gloria and I Bottom; Right Lauren Auve' and I
Jennifer passed away about a week after last year's retreat in a very tragic accident near her home. I will always remember the great time we had together on this particular retreat and some of the other retreats we went on together. She was a special lady and she loved crafting and she loved her dearest friends Gloria and Lauren. Remembering Jennifer reminds me to not take anything for granted.
MDS Supply List
Alphabet\Calendar Alphabet - f, Color = EARLY ESPRESSO 80,57,49
Alphabet\Calendar Alphabet - r, Color = EARLY ESPRESSO 80,57,49
Alphabet\Calendar Alphabet - i, Color = EARLY ESPRESSO 80,57,49
Alphabet\Calendar Alphabet - e, Color = EARLY ESPRESSO 80,57,49
Alphabet\Calendar Alphabet - n, Color = EARLY ESPRESSO 80,57,49
Alphabet\Calendar Alphabet - d, Color = EARLY ESPRESSO 80,57,49
Alphabet\Calendar Alphabet - s, Color = EARLY ESPRESSO 80,57,49
Blossom\Bold Blossom - butterfly, Color = POPPY PARADE 218,57,49
Blossom\Bold Blossom - butterfly, Color = CALYPSO CORAL 245,116,97
Blossom\Bold Blossom - butterfly, Color = POPPY PARADE 218,57,49
Moments\Greatest Moments - kindred spirits, Color = EARLY ESPRESSO 80,57,49
Pizzazz\Petal Pizzazz - flower 1, Color = POPPY PARADE 218,57,49
Pizzazz\Petal Pizzazz - flower 1, Color = PEACH PARFAIT 243,146,75
Pizzazz\Petal Pizzazz - flower 1, Color = CALYPSO CORAL 245,116,97
Blossom\Bold Blossom - butterfly, Color = POPPY PARADE 218,57,49
Blossom\Bold Blossom - butterfly, Color = POPPY PARADE 218,57,49
Blossom\Bold Blossom - butterfly, Color = PEACH PARFAIT 243,146,75
Blossom\Bold Blossom - butterfly, Color = CALYPSO CORAL 245,116,97
Blossom\Bold Blossom - butterfly, Color = PEACH PARFAIT 243,146,75
Edge Punch, Fill Color = PINK PIROUETTE 255,216,209
Edge Punch, Fill Color = PINK PIROUETTE 255,216,209
Edge Punch, Fill Color = PINK PIROUETTE 255,216,209
30 2014\IMG_1269
C:\Users\Maria\Pictures\March 30 2014\IMG_1253
30 2014\IMG_1260
C:\Users\Maria\Pictures\March 30 2014\IMG_1255
30 2014\IMG_1256
C:\Users\Maria\Pictures\March 30 2014\IMG_1252
Note: SU! is discontinuing support and sales of MDS as of
5/31. Please back up your program to your hard drive and any downloads
that you have. Do not fear - however - the program will continue to
work and you can email me for info on the parent company for MDS if
you'd like to continue to use it and purchase new material for it.
Digital Scrapbooking and Crafting is still very much alive. SU! is
going to be concentrating on what they do best - Paper Crafting and
Stamping and I'm sure they will have some new ventures to try along the
way. The NEW SU! catalog premieres in another 2 months.